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Happy 10th FWO Anniversary!
A decade of cutting.
10 years ago on the 28.02.2014 , Nino posted a video announcing the creation of FWO to the trackmania community. Little did he know that his small team would become so huge and influential. It started with 5 members, 10 years later we're at 64 and counting.

Lets look back at the last decade of Nadeo cutting:
TMNF: 33 New shortcuts
TMUF Stadium: 21 New shortcuts
ESWC: 19 New shortcuts
ESWC Remakes: 26 New shortcuts
TM2 Stadium: 13 New shortcuts
In total: 100 New Stadium shortcuts!
... Majority of these have been done by FWO members or were the recruitment!
United also had a lot of shortcuts but im writing this message very late so I dont have the time to check it rn :xdd:

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, a few of our members have cooked up some videos!
Keep an eye out in the next few days, some videos are coming. Onto 10 more years of FWO!
Hey! Late to the party but we have more content prepared 🙂 If you want to watch this in higher queality, you have wait for some more hours for Youtube to finish processing it, but I release it already since we're a day late xD
Rework of a classic @JaV video is out! Enjoy 🙂
Hello, after some internal discussions, we have decided to slightly change how the recruitment to our team works. Starting from now recruitment is invitational only. In theory it shouldn't be a big change, we will still pay attention to the same things, main factor being a WR with a new Nadeo cut, but also things like overall reputation in the community and other achievements in the game. If we decide that someone would be a good addition to the team, they will be contacted by one of other members, we no longer consider applications by request.

That being said, here is a video for our last two new members, a bit late but welcome 😛
Welcome :party_hard:
We now have a website with our content, news, member list, and a list of our WRs: